EU rehabilitates landslide between Mokra Gora and Kremna


The European Union is funding the rehabilitation of a landslide on road IB 28, the section between Kremna and Mokra Gora in Uzice, with EUR190,000, as part of the EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia Programme. The works will be completed during next month.

The rainfall that caused flooding in May 2014 washed away the soil from the slope above the road on a 200-metre stretch, covered up the road and caused the technical base of the village of Drvengrad to shift. The rehabilitation project includes construction of a system of drainage canals for intake of large quantities of water from three sources and for channelling it under the road, as well as the construction of a gabion wall to ensure the stabilisation of the slope. Following the completion of the works, there will be a technical inspection and acceptance of all reconstruction works on roads together with the rehabilitation of three landslides in Uzice. Total value of the EU assistance for rehabilitation of roads and landslides in Uzice amounts to EUR 330,000.

The rehabilitation of this landslide is carried out within the project worth EUR10.5 million, implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in 23 local self-governments, and includes rehabilitation of 44 landslides, reconstruction of nine bridges and construction of five new ones, with a view to reconstructing and upgrading the preventive infrastructure.

The European Union, with EUR162 million in assistance allocated via pre-accession funds IPA 2012 and IPA 2014 as well as the EU Solidarity Fund, is the biggest donor of the assistance aimed at flood relief and strengthening of preventive infrastructure in Serbia.

EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia, a programme worth EUR102 million, is funded by the European Union from its pre-accession IPA 2012 and 2014 funds. The funding is aimed at construction and reconstruction of houses, reconstruction of public buildings, rehabilitation of roads, landslides and public infrastructure, revival of economy and agricultural production as well as the construction of flood prevention infrastructure in 58 most affected municipalities. All field activities are implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), organisations HELP, ASB and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the World Bank – in coordination with the Serbian Government Public Investment Management Office.


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