EU Support for Roma Employment


Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Oskar Benedikt and Assistants to Mayor of Belgrade Irenа Vujovic and Borko Milosаvljevic attended today’s handing over of five recyclable materials collection vehicles to Public Utility Company “Gradska cistoca,” procured thanks to EU with EUR35,600 in view of finding employment to 20 new utility workers.

To date, six members of Belgrade’s most vulnerable residents found jobs and started working in various departments of “Gradska cistoca” PUC.

“Helping the most vulnerable is one of the main European values, which is why European Union supported the joint initiative of the City of Belgrade and “Gradska cistoca” PUC to allow Roma nationals to make a fresh start. This is part of a larger EU-funded project aimed at improving employability of Roma,” said Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Serbia Oskar Benedikt.


“The City of Belgrade has had successful cooperation with the EU in implementing this important project. Up until now, these new workers of “Gradska cistoca” could not make a real success in labour market, but thanks to this project, they have finally found jobs,” said Deputy Mayor Irena Vujovic.

“My wife has a job as well, so, in order to take our child to school in the mornings, I work night shifts in “Gradska cistoca”. I am trying to complete part-time elementary education and acquire additional qualifications,” says Dejan Ibisevic, one of the new workers at “Gradska cistoca” PUC.

EU Support for Roma Employment Project is funded by the EU. Funding aims to improve sustainable waste management, increase employability of the most vulnerable groups and support strengthening of civil society. In Belgrade, the project is implemented by UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). Project’s total value is EUR1,499,668.


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