EU Support for Roma Employment


“Brana i sinovi“ is one 18 companies to receive assistance through ”We Are Here Together – European Support for Roma Inclusion“ Project, worth EUR4.8 million, funded by the EU and implemented by OSCE Mission in Serbia, in coordination Government Office for Human and Minority Rights.

Support for Roma employment is one of the components of the Project. Out of 249 companies and initiatives which had applied for support, top 18 were chosen to receive assistance. The assistance is designed to provide companies with equipment, expert and professional support, worth more than EUR500,000 in order to create over 62 viable jobs for Roma.

Beta Agency reports that in Kalenic, where the abandoned Kolubara mines will be transformed into regional landfill for 14 municipalities of Kolubara and Macva districts, as well Belgrade municipalities Lazarevac, Obrenovac and Barajevo, Roma once used to collect and sell coal left in the abandoned mines, which is why they often found themselves in trouble with the authorities and police.

But now, a few Roma families, living in part of the village called Mlaka, make their livelihoods out of secondary raw material, as evidenced by signs hanging on their houses and business facilities.

Brana-i-sinovi-2The Vasics seem to have made greatest progress in this business: since 2012, Brana and Milena (48), who is head of the business, run a family firm “Brana i sinovi DOO” with their sons and daughters in law.

Firm’s core activity is purchase and further trade of scrap metal, but they plan to expand their activities to include purchase of hard and soft plastic, its further processing and selling to end customers. Pressed and ground plastic can be melted and reused in industry.

“Brana i sinovi” are a family firm: owner, Milena Vasic, is in charge of administration and organisation, her husband Brana (51) is in charge of deal making and transport, whereas sons and their daughters are also part of the business.

They obtained three machines through EU and OSCE Project: plastic grinding mill, a machine press and a loading tractor, thus creating three jobs for two Roma women and one man.

The equipment allows them to process raw materials and plastic more efficiently, which enables them to grow further and develop their business. “Brana i sinovi” invested more than EUR7,000 of their own capital in their recycling plant where the machines ought to be installed.

“EU assistance is worth some EUR25,000. Most of it has already arrived in Kalenic, we are still waiting for the tractor,” owner Milena told Beta Agency.

In the style of an experienced business woman, she says that the times have changed, with market situation getting worse.

“Can you make a living out of it? Well, you have to, though it’s getting harder and harder. We are not the only ones, competition is fierce, and most of our income is used to cover the charges,” Milena says.

She adds that “this year, unprecedented thing is going on” price of ground plastic has fallen ten times! Undoubtedly, this affects out purchase price, she says. “Brana i sinovi” were obliged to hire two Roma people on condition that they stay in employment at least until 2017.

As of June 2013, the Project “We Are Here Together – European Support for Roma Employment” supports the implementation of Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma in Serbia in selected areas such as fundamental rights, citizen participation, education, health and social care, adequate housing and job creation.


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