EU to grant 2.4 million euros for civil society organisations’ projects


European Union continues cooperation with Serbia’s civil society organisations with a new call for proposal worth 2.4 million euros aimed at projects focused on fight against corruption, fight against discrimination and support to cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo*. More detailed inormation were given at Information sessions held in Nis, Novi Sad and Belgrade.

“Our new Call for Proposals aims to increase the effectiveness of the Serbian CSOs in tackling these important issues, and to increase the impact of these projects for our common objectives of building a more democratic and better Serbia,” Deputy Head of EU Delegation Oskar Benedikt told the participants of the session in Belgrade.

“Your activism and creativity coupled with our support are helping to fasten the pace of reforms and together we are making a change. And so we continue our cooperation with this call for proposal,” Benedikt said.

The call will be open until May 26, 2014. The exclusive right to register have civil society organizations. Partners in the implementation of funded projects can be local institutions, local independent agencies, regional and local authorities, and the media.

Since 2000, the civil society in Serbia has, through the Civil Society Facility as well as the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, received over 30 million EUR worth of grants. This means that the EU has financially supported more than 250 projects in different areas: democracy, good governance and the rule of law, anti-discrimination, social inclusion and culture.

Documentation of the call is available at the following link.


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