European assistance for education of future teachers


What does the practice of students – future teachers – look like, and what are the means to improve it, or: How to educate teachers the best possible way? This was the main topic of the discussion among domestic and foreign experts during a two-day meeting organised within “Razvionica”, an eight million-euro project funded by the European Union through its IPA funds.

The conference “Effective teaching and learning during student practice” highlighted the necessity to adjust theory and practice in schools and faculties, the importance of student practice and further training of employees in Practice Schools.
Particular examples of good practice were brought up, in terms of organising the mentoring of students – future teachers – in Serbia and some of the EU countries. Also, possibilities of including successful Practice Schools and partner faculties in European education programmes were discussed.

“Conditions for practical training of students – future teachers – will soon become incomparably better than before,” says Project Manager Jelica Colic.
Goal of the conference was to consider current state of students’ practice in Practice Schools in Serbia and to design and harmonise proposals for its future improvement.


The conference provided an opportunity for a particularly detailed discussion about four topics identified by potential and current mentors from Practice Schools and other schools in which students perform their practice, during talks with representatives of universities and faculties that train future teachers, as well as through students’ practice surveys in Serbia.
Proposals stemming from this conference will be turned into concrete recommendations seeking to solve existing problems, outline development measures and create the appropriate systemic framework for the implementation of quality apprenticeship.

The meeting was attended by some 250 participants, international and domestic experts, representatives of faculties that train future teachers, as well as Practice Schools and project’s representatives.
More on the project


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