European Commission’s emergency support already helping refugees in Greece


A week after the first €83 million worth of projects were signed under the EU’s new Emergency Support Instrument, with the UNHCR, the International Federation of the Red Cross, the Danish Refugee Council, the International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, Oxfam, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and Médecins Du Monde, these key partner organisations have already started delivering support to improve living conditions of refugees in Greece.

These organisations are working with Greek NGOs who have the necessary local knowledge. Support is being provided in the areas of shelter, primary health care, food, better hygiene conditions and to create child friendly spaces. Assistance through these projects is already being provided in Idomeni, Diavata, Cherso, Giannitsa, Alexandria, Eliniko and Skaramangas.  Areas of assistance being delivered include water, sanitation and health activities (WASH), protection, food distribution and community mobilisation.

Last week we made funding immediately available to humanitarian partners under the new emergency support instrument. While these projects are just being set up, I’m pleased that support is already reaching refugees in need of assistance. I thank our partners who are working in close collaboration with the Greek authorities and local NGOs for their fast response and their efforts to restore dignified conditions for refugees in Greece. This is our common goal, said EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides.


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