European Mobility Week starts


Representatives of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Belgrade City Administration and the UNDP, announced today that the European Mobility Week would take place from 16-22 September in several Serbian cities.

At the press conference, Head of Information, Communication and Press Ramunas Janušauskas reminded that in 2002 the European Commission launched European Mobility Week initiative, adding that this year, Serbian cities of Pancevo and Krusevac were running for the EMW Award.

Janušauskas also said a photo contest on this topic was ongoing, at the end of which the top eight photos would be displayed on a tram in Belgrade to remind its citizens about the importance of conserving the environment.

The goal of the European Mobility Week is to improve sustainable transport, through events promoting alternative modes of transportation, Dusan Rafailovic City Secretary for Transport said.

City Manager Goran Vesic said he was happy to see Serbia, an EU candidate country, take part in activities with EU Member States, adding that the city administration is making efforts to reduce the number of cars in down town Belgrade and promote walking, cycling and other alternative modes of transportation.

Vesic said the city administration was working to turn the entire city centre into a pedestrian zone and construct as many cycling trails as possible.

One of them, stretching from Mostar interchange to Banjica, will be up and running by the end of next week, whereas Kneginje Zorke street will be turned into a pedestrian zone, Vesic said.

The UNDP is a committed partner of Serbia, supporting initiatives aimed at pollution reduction, and will take part in the promotion of walking and the use of public transport, Deputy Resident Representative at UNDP Steliana Nedera said.

She underlined that the UNDP implemented the sustainable transport framework programme and added she was convinced the activities within the European Mobility Week would make a major impact in the society.


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