European Union support to e-business in Serbia


More than 80 representatives of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from South Serbia attended the e-business training sessions held on 30 September-2 October 2015 in Leskovac, Vranje and Nis. The trainings were organized by the project E-business Development funded by the European Union in cooperation with Regional Development Agencies from these cities.

The trainings are part of activities E-business Development Project funded by the EU with 2.5 million EUR with aim to provide support to SMEs by increasing their understanding of the importance of e-business and e-commerce digital applications as the means for increasing their competitiveness in the global market. The project main beneficiaries are Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and Minstry of Economy.

Leszek Jakubowski, Project Team Leader presented goals of the project. Representatives of SMEs were informed about the basics of e-business and e-commerce, internet payment and usage of social media to improve business. Trainings were led by Sinisa Begovic, project expert for e-business.

Igor Brkanovic, project expert informed SMEs that project will provide direct support to selected 50 SMEs to improve their competiveness and innovation and improve e-business.

According to results of the research “Usage of ICT in Republic of Serbia 2014“ conducted by the Republic Statistical Office, 100% SMEs in Serbia using computers, 74% SMEs have website, a  92% SMEs using e-government services[1].

E-business comprises usage of ICT application to support business activities. It allows companies to connect their business processes and thereby significantly simplify the relationship with customers and suppliers. The purpose of e-commerce is to improve the competitiveness of the company, expand its market and increase the number of customers. E-business refers not only to the technology – it is a combination of technology, process, organization and new ways of thinking.

In cooperation with National Agency for Regional Development new trainings for SMEs during the upcoming period will be organized and will take place in towns where the headquarters of Regional Development Agencies are located.  The trainings are part of the national campaign for awareness raising among about e-business for SMEs implemented by the project.

The European Union is the largest donor in Serbia. During the last 14 years, the European Union has invested more than 3 billion Euros in Serbia. The EU has allocated €78 million for projects aimed at improving and strengthening sectors of the Serbian economy, especially the Small and Medium Enterprise sector, as a key sector of significant importance in the process of developing Serbia’s market economy, as well as contributing to Serbia’s ongoing process of EU integration.

More information about the project:



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