Euteka librarians paying a study study visit to Brussels


The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia will arrange two study visits to EU institutions in Brussels for the representatives of Serbian libraries members of Euteka network. The goal of study visits is raising the level of knowledge and understanding of Serbia’s EU accession, EU-supported projects and assistance, as well as to mobilise support for the reform necessary for EU accession.

Study visits to Brussels are mainly aimed at librarians directly engaged in the activities of their libraries within the Euteka network. The first visit will be organised in late March; the second is scheduled for spring 2018.

Call for applications runs through Monday, 20 February. 12 participants will be decided by the selection committee.

Study visits are a part of the “Study visits to EU institutions in Brussels and neighbouring EU Member States”. The implementation of this project commenced in November 2016 and is scheduled to run until November 2018.

For more information on study visit aimed at representatives of Serbian libraries that take part in Euteka network, please contact Aleksandra Zdravkovic at:

Tel: +381 11 30 65 830


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