Exhibition on the occasion of Europe Day: European integration in books


On the occasion of the Europe Day celebrations, the Institute of International Politics and Economy, with the support of the EU Info Centre, organises an exhibition entitled “European Integration in the books” which will be opened on Thursday, May 7, 2015.

The exhibition will be set in the Small hall of the Institute; it will be opened by professor Aleksandar Belic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and professor Branislav Djordjevic, director of the Institute.

Library editions, as well as those provided by the EU Info Centre, about the history of the EU, its institutions and relations between Serbia and the EU, will be displayed at the exhibition.

Library of the Institute of International Politics and Economy is the European Documentation Centre: established as a depository library of the European Community in 1968, the library was in 1989 transformed into the European Documentation Center (EDC).

EDC is open to the public; it enables to all visitors the use of electronic database of the European union. With the help of EDC, various comparative studies of local regulations and legal standards of the EU (Community Acquis) were published, as well as scientific articles, doctoral theses, etc. One of valuable publications for all involved in European integration is EUROVOC thesaurus with about 6,650 terms and expressions of the European Union.

Among other valuable publications, EDC disposes with all European Union Official Gazette editions available in electronic form (CDs). A particular detail is that editions published until 2000 are available in hard copy.

The ceremony dedicated to the opening of the exhibition of books from the library fund and the European Documentation Centre of the Institute, starts 11:30.

After the exhibition, a debate “Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: between desire and reality” will be held in the Big hall of the Institute, starting at 12:00.

The exhibition will be open until the end of May.


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