Experience and perspectives in organising credit mobility


Foundation Tempus – Erasmus+ Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and EU Info Centre in Belgrade, organises a session titled “Experience and perspectives in organising credit mobility” on Thursday, 19 February 2015, at 12:00 in Dom omladine Beograda, 1 Decanska Street (Americana Hall).

Programme of the session can be found at: erasmusplus.rs

The session is aimed at representatives of institutions of higher education in Serbia, universities and colleges interested in projects focused on bilateral student and staff exchange within EU’s Erasmus+ programme, and those who want to improve their procedures in order to achieve a higher quality of mobility organisation.

Representatives of universities who have already gained experience in organising student/staff exchange within various mobility projects will share their experience, whereas a publication, Guide to Credit Mobility,  with a number of useful advice, will also be presented.


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