Facility for Refugees in Turkey: Steering Committee advances implementation of EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan


The first Steering Committee meeting of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey was held in Brussels on 17 February, chaired by the Commission with the participation of all EU Member States plus Turkey in an advisory capacity.

The first projects to provide humanitarian aid and support access to education of refugee children in Turkey will shortly be presented to the appropriate committees. The Committee gave the Commission the mandate to immediately implement the 2016 contribution from the EU budget to provide more urgently needed humanitarian aid and access to education for refugee children in Turkey.

The first projects to provide humanitarian aid under the new Facility for refugees in Turkey are already in the process of being launched, to ensure instant access to life-saving assistance reaches people most in need as quickly as possible. The rapid deployment of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey is part of the comprehensive approach to solving the refugee crisis which leaders committed to at the European Council.

The Facility will give effect to the European commitment to mobilise new funds to support refugees under the EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan.

A press release is available here.


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