Final round of European Debate School


The Delegation of the European Union and EU Information Centre organise the final debate within European Debate School contest titled «This House believes the EU should expand free movement of workers to the Western Balkans countries» on Friday, 20 May 2016, at the National Assembly of Serbia (Small Hall) at 12:00.

The debate is the final event within European Debate School (November 2015-May 2016) organised by EU Info Centre and Open Communication, with the support from EU Delegation, and participated in by high school students from across Serbia (Nis, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Krusevac, Becej, Pecinci, Paracin, Jagodina, Odzaci and Belgrade). Debates have previously taken place in Novi Sad, Nis, Becej and Paracin. Through European Debate School, EU Info Centre and its partners, wanted to encourage young people to develop critical thinking and argumentation skills, following the example of their older colleagues from student associations who have recently won a number awards in international debate contests.

Participants in the debate are the best students of the latest edition of European Debate School; divided into two three-member teams, they will challenge each other’s attitudes, while their debating debating skills will be evaluated by the jury composed of:

  • Vladimir Marinkovic, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
  • Oskar Benedikt, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia
  • Djordje Jovicevic, Open Communication

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