“Greek Film Week” opens to mark Greek presidency of the Council of EU


Marking the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of European Union, Embassy of Greece, together with the EU Delegation to Serbia and EU Info Centre, has organised a Greek Film Week that takes place from April 23-28 in Yugoslav Film Archive and Dom Omladine in Belgrade.

The Greek Film Week titled “Images from the Past, Vision of the Future” is organised jointly by the Embassy of Greece (as the Council of the European Union presiding country), the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the EU Delegation to Serbia, and EU Info Centre, among others.

Head of the EU Delegation Michael Davenport expressed his satisfaction with the fact that EU Delegation and EU Info Centre had taken part in the organisation of the festival, thus helping present the Hellenic culture in Serbia. Davenport said that Greek Embassy managed to “offer a rich programme that includes debates, exhibitions as well as this truly interesting film festival.”

Although Serbian audience is already familiar with the Hellenic culture, its history, as well as its coast, this is a great opportunity to learn more about Greek greatest cinematographic achievements, of both classical and contemporary filmmakers,” said Davenport at the opening of the festival.

He also invited the audience to visit the Europe Film Festival, organised by the EU Delegation and EU Info Centre, and taking place in Dom Omladine from May 16-21, within the celebration of Europe Day and Month. “We will present the top films from across 22 EU Member Countries, as well as from Serbia,” said Davenport.

The visitors of the Greek Film Week will have a unique opportunity to learn more about the work of both classical and contemporary Greek cineasts. By combining “Images from the Past” and “Vision of the Future”, the audience will be offered a chance to find out more about the dominant topics that have marked the Greek cinema in its early years, but also the contemporary works of cinematic art addressing economic and social issues related to the recent economic crisis.

The programme includes classical masterpieces such as Ulysses Gaze by Theodoros Angelopoulos, Iphigenia by Michael Cacoyannis and Spring Gathering by Dimos Avdeliodis, but it also features some of the recently awarded films such as Dogtooth by Giorgos Lanthimos, Miss Violence by Alexandros Avranas and Knifer by Yannis Economides, as well as a series of short films. Many of the films will have their premiere in Serbia during the festival.

Entrance is free to the public, although it is necessary to get the free tickets. These can be obtained in the Hall of Dom Omladine, every day from 12:00 to 19:00 until April 28, as well as via social network accounts of the Embassy of Greece and EU Info Centre.


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