Hearing of commissioner-designate Johannes Hahn in the European Parliament


The Committee on Foreign Affairs conducts hearing with Johannes Hahn, commissioner-designate for Neighbourhood policy and enlargement negotiations on 30 September from 13:30 to 16:30.

Prior to the hearing Hahn said that he was “determined  that each country should join the EU only once they are fully prepared.”

“Quality goes before speed. Moreover, as our citizens need to digest the addition of 13 Member States in the past ten years, no further enlargement will take place over the next five years.”

Hahn said he would “continue work preparing the countries through the enlargement framework, including the accession negotiations, and the Stabilisation and Association Process. Our partners must understand that these preparations will take time, but that our commitments to them remain in place. Deep reforms are needed and can only be achieved gradually, with our strong support.”

Insisting that “the negotiation process provides a robust framework with clear guidance”, Hahn said:

“I will ensure that every country understands clearly what is required of them to move forward, focussing their efforts efficiently on the most important next steps. Especially on the key rule of law chapters I intend to increase high level political dialogue and engagement with the countries and to use the full potential of IPA II to incentivise reforms. I will strive for more consistency in our approach, to ensure we are seen to keep our side of the bargain. We must be seen as credible, fair, and supportive partners.”

You can follow the hearing live at: http://www.elections2014.eu/en/new-commission/hearing/20140917HEA64801


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