Help is Arriving for 14,000 Most Vulnerable Women in Serbia


More than 14,000 most vulnerable women in 50 municipalities across Serbia will receive assistance worth 100,000 EUR in hygiene packages and essential food, according to a joint statement by the Gender Equality Coordination Body, the Ministry of European Integration and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.

Assistance was provided with the financial support of the EU Delegation to Serbia, through redirected funding from the IPA 2016 project “Key Steps to Gender Equality” and will be distributed to volunteer and Red Cross emergency teams, which will distribute aid to the most vulnerable women locally.

Chair of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, Zorana Mihajlovic, says that at the time of the COVID virus pandemic, solidarity and teamwork are very important.

“With this decision, in the next few days, the most vulnerable women in fifty of our municipalities will receive the help and food they need. I urge anyone who wants to help in this way to open the doors of the Coordination Body and the Government of Serbia are open to them, “Mihajlovic said.

The Key Steps to Gender Equality project is being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration.

“It is very important that we show solidarity and understanding for those who are most vulnerable and vulnerable at the moment when we face the extraordinary risk caused by the spread of COVID-19. I am convinced that women in Serbia, whether in the country or in the city, will be the mainstay of our social and economic recovery, as they are still struggling in hospitals for the health of our patients in difficult circumstances, working in shops, on farms, in media reports “, Said Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic.

Funding for the entire project was provided with the financial assistance of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

”In these difficult times, more than ever before, we must stand together and protect the most vulnerable. Within the support package of EU to Serbia for COVID-19, we earmarked 100.000 eur to help vulnerable women in 50 municipalities of Serbia and provide them with food and hygiene supplies as well as support their mental health during isolation times. People with disabilities, single mothers, women who are taking care of large families, victims of domestic violence, elderly people from remote areas of Serbia, Roma communities – none of them must be left behind and the EU will continue to help them all”, said Sem Fabrizi, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

Support for the implementation of this project activity will be provided by the Red Cross of Serbia, since this organization has a developed and widespread network in cities and municipalities in our country, and a clear overview of the needs of the most vulnerable categories of the population.

The Key Steps to Gender Equality project is implemented jointly by the Gender Equality Coordination Body, the Ministry of European Integration and UN Women, with the financial support of the EU Delegation to Serbia.


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