Historic Approach to Holocaust and Mass Crimes in Serbia


Starting today, Belgrade Elementary “Vladislav Ribnikar” hosts a seminar involving 35 history teachers titled “Historic Approach to Holocaust and Mass Crimes in Balkans” organised by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Shoah Memorial with the support from EU Delegation to Serbia.

During three days, the seminar will include lectures by George Bensunan of the Shoah Memorial on Roots of Anti-Semitism in Europe; Milan Koljanin of Institute for Contemporary History on Jew in Kingdom of Yugoslavia; Joan Suputo of Paris University will speak about Nazi violence, repression and “final solution;” Sanja Petrovic of Institute of Modern Serbian History will speak about Holocaust in Serbia 1941-1942; Milan Ristovic of Belgrade Univesrty speaks about collaboration issues; Goran Hitunec of Zagreb University delivers a lecture on Jasenovac Concentration Camp as part of repression policy in Independent State of Croatia; Milovan Pisari of Centre for Research and Education on Holocaust speaks about Romani Holocaust in Serbia.

Tomislav Dulic of Uppsala University will give a lecture on mass murders in ex-Yugoslavia during World War II, whereas culture of remembrance of Holocaust in Serbia will be covered by Jovan Bajford on University of London.

Three workshops will also take place: on history textbooks – comparative contemporary history, led by Dubravka Stojanovic of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade; education on holocaust and recent conflicts led by Marko Suica of Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and Maja Stojanovic of Civic Initiatives.

During the seminar, participants will visit Jewish Museum, Staro sajmiste and Topovske sume, the sites where crimes were committed.


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