Human Rights Day marked in Aleksinac


Association for Creativity Development from Aleksinac, in charge with implementation of three projects in the field of respect for human rights and reduction of discrimination towards marginalised groups, two of which are EU-funded, marked the International Human Rights Day – 10 December.

Following the performance of EU hymn Ode to Joy, it was stressed that 10 December should remind us that human beings are all born free and equal in dignity and rights, but also that there are those whose rights are compromised and who need protection.

Three films dealing with discrimination and human rights protection, made within various projects implemented by Association for Creativity Development, were screened: Living with Years, Circle the Life without Discrimination and Sinisa Story.

Association for Creativity Development are currently implementing three projects whose common denominator is respect for human rights and reduction of discrimination towards marginalised groups: project Women in Focus deals with improving the state of women in the Municipality of Aleksinac; project Open Gate for a New Beginning tackles deinstitutionalisation of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a more humane approach to this group of people; both of these projects are supported by the EU Delegation to Serbia.

The third project titled On Behalf of the Elderly and the Other Invisible is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy, and is aimed at supporting the elderly in Municipality of Aleksinac


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