Implementation of IPA 2015 starts


Today, Serbian Government said in a statement that Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Director of the EC Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Catherine Wendt signed a financial agreement approving the first EUR39.7 million of a total of EUR196.6 million of pre-accession assistance (IPA II) for Serbia.

Joksimovic announced that in the coming period, two additional financial agreements are to be signed worth EUR80 million and EUR76.9 million, respectively.

The funds are intended for projects in the judicial and home affairs reforms, as well as projects contributing to the negotiation process and alignment with EU legislation.

Among other things, the programme will finance capacity building in the area of fighting organised crime, money laundering and terrorism, strengthening of internal control within the Ministry of Interior, setting up the efficient emergency system, implementation of Chapter 23 pertaining Action Plan as well as improving the efficiency of prosecution, reads the Government statement.


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