Info Day to promote the launching of the 2nd Call for Proposals under the Adriatic-Ionian Transnational Programme – ADRION will be held in Belgrade, 26 April, 2018


In cooperation with Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG 5-b Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation Programme – ADRION, the Ministry of European Integration is organizing an Info Day to promote the launching of the 2nd Call for Proposals.

Second call is open to defined topics within Priority Axis No. 2: “Sustainable Region”, in order
to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • S.O. 2.1 Promote the sustainable valorization and preservation of natural and cultural heritage as growth assets in the ADRION area;
  • S.O. 2.2 Enhance the capacity in transnationally tackling environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the ADRION area

Info Day will be held in Belgrade on 26 April, 2018 within premises of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kneza Milosa 12, conference hall on the 6th floor.

Please find enclosed agenda of the event.

If you are interested in attending, please send us the names of up to two representatives from your institution to Mr. Dragan Popovic, the ADRION Programme National Contact Point, to the following email address:, at the latest by Tuesday, 24. April 2018 by noon. Registration is compulsory. Participation will be granted only to those registered individuals who received their confirmation through e-mail.

Please also note that the presentations including video recordings from a Transnational launch event of ADRION second call for proposals, which took place in Tirana on 11 April 2018, may be reached through the official programme webpage:


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