Interparliamentary Conference on the Civic representation and political participation of minorities


The European Parliament, in cooperation with the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, organises an Inter-parliamentary Conference on the CIVIC REPRESENTATION AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF NATIONAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES with Members of the European Parliament and Members of Parliaments of EU Pre-Accession Countries in Belgrade on 20 – 21 November 2014.

Main topics will include “National minorities – proactive players for social cohesion?,” “Beyond protection: promoting reconciliation, preventing security threats  –  from peaceful coexistence towards integrative citizenship,” “National and supranational guarantees – Constitutional norms  and electoral systems, their interpretation and the practice” and a debate on  experiences in Western Balkans and Turkey on inclusion of minorities and other vulnerable groups.

The conference will be opened by Ms Maja Gojković, Speaker of the National Assembly.

Besides MEPs Pál Csáky (Slovakia), Ivo Vajgl (Slovenia) and Csaba Sógor (Romania), MPs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo[1], the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey are to come for an exchange of views and best practices with MEPs, academics and representatives of the European Commission, Council of Europe and other institutions.

The event is open to the public, civil society organisations and the media.

Registration requests must be addressed to

Ms Aleksandra Jovanović, European Integration Unit,

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Tel: +381 11 30 26 568 Mob: +381 64 84 20 259

For any other information, please contact

Mr Thierry Jacob Pre-Accession Actions Unit, European Parliament, Tel: +32 2 28 42277 Mob: +32 486 62 29 96

[1] This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.


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