Investing for a greener future: EU Green Week


Today, as part of #EUGreenWeek, Europe’s biggest annual occasion to discuss environment policy, a high-level conference will take place in Brussels with Vice-President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner Vella on how the European Fund for Strategic Investments can mobilise finance for green projects.

New generations are asking for innovative and more sustainable growth models. It is our responsibility to make it happen, said the Vice-President.

A Eurobarometer survey also published today shows that over the past three years almost three quartersof European SMEs (73 %) undertook some circular economy related activity with the most common being minimising waste by recycling or reusing.Yet, more than a quarter (27%) of SMEs said they had encountered difficulties in accessing financing for their projects.

Commissioner Vella added: It is becoming more and more clear that a sound investment strategy means combining economic opportunity with sustainable environmental practice. Green Week sends a powerful signal to European companies, investors and the financial sector that a change of culture is both possible and profitable.” 

Green Week will also see commitments by Europe’s retailers on circular economy who will pledge to take more than 100 new actions to transform the retail sector, including steps on sustainable sourcing, increased energy efficiency and food waste.


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