Ištvan Vardai’s concert marks the closure of ArtLink Festival


The third international ArtLink Festival was officially closed with a concert held at the Belgrade Philharmonics and a performance by one of the best cellists of today Ištvan Vardai accompanied by Belgrade Chamber Orchestra “Ljubica Maric”. Apart from them, the concert also featured a young Serbian cellist Petar Pejcic.

The concert was part of the programme “Balkan-Visegrad Cultural Bridge”, which aims to facilitate cooperation among artists hailing from the Visegrad Four (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic) and young artists and ensembles from Serbia and the region.


Apart from the Visegrad Fund, the project is supported by the EU Delegation to Serbia, the EU Info Centre as well as Hungarikum – Hungarian Cultural Centre – and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.

During his stay in Belgrade, Ištvan Vardai taught a free master class for young Serbian musicians.


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