Janmaat: Serbia Could Expect EUR205 Million of EU Funds


In an interview with RTS, Head of European Integration Section at the EU Delegation in Belgrade Freek Janmaat said Serbia could receive EUR205 million of EU funds in 2016.

Janmaat explained that “this year, efforts will be focused on internal affairs, education, energy and agriculture.”

When asked about the number of chapters which could be opened within EU-Serbia negotiations in 2016, Janmaat said “it is more than good” that the first two had already been opened in 2015.

“If Serbia manages to open additional chapters in 2016, it will be a huge success. And yes, chapters 23 and 24 are the ones we wish to open this year. Perhaps, we should also consider some of the technical chapters,” Janmaat said.

He also said that it was important to finalise the privatisation of public companies in 2016, as announced by the Government.


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