Joint Battle of EU, Serbia in Coronavirus-Caused Crisis


Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Sem Fabrizi and the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic had a phone conversation about the situation related to the coronavirus-caused crisis.

Prime Minister Brnabic explained the measures taken by Serbia to fight COVID-19, the results obtained so far with an encouraging trend in numbers of new infections, and measures to prevent further spreading of the virus.

Brnabic also illustrated the progress expected over the coming weeks.

Ambassador Fabrizi praised the work of the government and health authorities for the positive results achieved in this challenging situation.

The Prime Minister thanked Ambassador Fabrizi for the swift assistance provided by the EU for immediate health needs.

In particular, for the funding of the flights transporting Serbian medical equipment imports, for the further medical material procured directly by the EU for Serbia, such as respirators, ventilators, masks, containers, and for the initial measures to support vulnerable communities including the elderly, single women and Roma population.

Ambassador Fabrizi explained that this initial assistance is part of the €15 million granted by the EU for immediate needs – and that additional accompanying measures have been put in place, particularly through the Joint Procurement Agreement and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

The Prime Minister and Ambassador Fabrizi discussed also the measures to be taken by Serbia to support the economy.

Ambassador Fabrizi explained that a €€78 million package for Serbia announced by the European Commission, and the need to work together to support a swift recovery, particularly in favour of SMEs.

Ambassador Fabrizi illustrated the “Global EU response to COVID-19” unveiled last week and the additional positive impact for Serbia of a “Team Europe” coordinated action between the EU, its Member States and financial institutions, in particular the EIB and EBRD  to counter COVID-19 and sustain the economy in the region and globally.

Ambassador Fabrizi also praised Serbia for its important contribution to the European coordinated solidarity consular repatriation system which managed to bring thousands of European – including Serbian – citizens from all over the world back to their countries in a fast and efficient way.

The Prime Minister and the Ambassador shared their view that Serbia and the EU should continue to work closely together to overcome this difficult moment in a spirit of solidarity and to make progress on Serbia’s EU path.

They agreed that their offices will remain in close contact to work on immediate and short-term assistance measures.


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