Juncker on the European Council conclusions and outcome of the UK Referendum


President of the European Commission Juncker participates in the European Council (28 June) and in the Informal Meeting of the Heads of State or Government of the EU-27 (29 June)

In yesterday’s joint press conference at the end of the European Council meeting, European Commission President Jean-Cloude Juncker expressed his satisfaction that the European Council had once again given its full backing to the political priorities of the Commission, in particular those related to jobs, growth and investment. He also welcomed the swift political agreement on the establishment of a European Border and Coast Guard and called for its final formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council as soon as possible. He paid tribute to the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the EU and to the excellent inter-institutional cooperation.

He expressed his full support for the new EU Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy presented by High Representative / Vice-President Mogherini. President Juncker also explained why the Commission is of the view, based on its legal analysis, that the EU-Canada trade agreement (CETA) is an “EU-only” agreement. He took note of the wish of most leaders that it should be considered as a mixed agreement, implying national ratification, and announced that the Commission would reflect on this basis in the coming days. Regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) he was reassured by the fact that the European Council wants the Commission to continue negotiations.

When asked by a journalist on the reason for the negative outcome of the United Kingdom Referendum, President Juncker gave his assessment that “if you are telling the public over years that something is wrong with the European Union (…) you should not be taken by surprise if voters do believe you”. He insisted that the notification under article 50 to withdraw from the European Union be triggered by the next British Prime Minister as soon as possible, in line with the joint statement agreed by the Presidents of the four EU institutions last Friday. Before this notification, there will not be any formal or informal negotiation with the United Kingdom, President Juncker repeated, referring to the written instruction he had given in this sense to the members of the College and senior Commission staff. He repeated that he was saddened by the outcome of the referendum, but said that now everybody had to act on its result.

In his press conference with President Tusk after today’s meeting of Heads of State or Government of the EU-27, President Juncker said: “Es wird keinerlei Art von Verhandlungen geben bevor die britische Notifizierung über einen möglichen Austritt uns erreicht. No notification without negotiation.” He said that there was agreement that there would be no internal market à la carte: “Those who have access have to implement all our freedoms without exceptions and nuances.” President Juncker then added that while the EU needed further reforms, these were not a complement or the contrary of what was done now, referring to the conclusions of the European Council which mentioned the strategic agenda of the Council as well as the 10 priorities of the Commission which were entailed in this agenda. He said: It is about speeding up reforms, not about adding reforms to already existing reforms.” Both press conferences are available on EbS.


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