KreNi conference kicks off in Nis with support of EU Delegation to Serbia


The International Conference of Creative Industries KreNi was opened at the Officer’s Club in Nis, and will run through 3 December. In the next five days, young people with little experience in some of creative industries areas will work with top international and national experts to develop their ideas aimed at social issues in Nis. KreNi is supported by the EU Delegation to Serbia for the third year in a row, and during the conference, visitors will have a chance to see an exhibition titled Greetings from Serbia at the Officer’s Club, mounted as within the European Year of Cultural Heritage celebration.

“I’m extremely glad that in the next few days this will be the gathering place of young and creative people, who will get a chance to develop ideas with top experts and make their city an even better place for living,” said the Head of Communication, Information and Media of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Paul-Henri Presset, during the opening of the KreNi conference.

The conference was preceded by the KreNi talks event. The participants got familiar with the history of creative industries in France, the USA, Austria and Italy. They also discussed the role of creative industries in the digitization of cultural heritage, success stories and projects that connect the two, and a number of roles that those industries play in the society.

Same as before, this year gathers a significant number of young people, about 70 participants, that have little to no experience in certain fields of creative industries – architecture, IT, design, advertising, management and multimedia technologies – signed up for the conference. “We have lecturers come from Austria, France, Italy, the USA, and there are also Serbian lecturers who will work with young people and help them develop their ideas,” said president of Young Ambassadors Snezana Andric.

KreNi conference is organised by Young Ambassadors with the support of the Austrian Embassy and Austrian Cultural Forum, the City of Nis, the Embassy of the USA in Serbia, the EU Delegation to Serbia, the EU Info Centre, Erste bank, the French Embassy and French Institute in Nis, the Italian Cultural Centre in Belgrade, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the EUNIC network of cultural centres and the Office for Local Economic Development.


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