Letter to President Francois Hollande of France from European Council President Donald Tusk on the attacks in Paris


Dear Francois,

This attack is an outrage against France, and against Europe as a whole. Today, France is on the frontline of the fight against terrorism. But she is not alone. This fight is the fight of all Europeans, and all the other people of the free world, too.

France is a great, strong and resilient nation. It will overcome this tragedy. Standing in solidarity, the European Union will assist her. We will ensure that the tragic, shameful act of terrorism against Paris fails in its purpose: to divide, to frighten, and to undermine liberty, equality and fraternity, the values that make France a great nation.

France has ensured that these values are at the very heart of the European Union. And the European Union will always be there for France, its government and its people.

We will demand that world leaders meeting in the G20 in Antalya respond to the threat of extremist terrorism. We will ensure that everything that can be done at European level to make France safe is being done. And we will make sure that Europe’s counter-terror strategy is fit for purpose to face the challenges of the months ahead.

Yours sincerely,
Donald Tusk


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