Media advisory


Signing of the IPA 2013 Financial Agreement Total allocation to Serbia – EUR197,2 million out of IPA 2013.

Jadranka Joksimović Minister without portfolio in charge with European integration and Jean Eric Paquet Director of the Directorate for Enlargement, on Friday, 6 June 2014 will sign the Financial Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the European Commission for the 2013 National Programme for the Republic of Serbia.

Total allocation amounts to EUR197,2 million, available to Serbia for the first IPA 2013 component. These grants will be used for the projects aimed to help Serbia implement the reforms within the key sectors, necessary for the future EU membership: rule of law, public administration reform, socio-economic development, environmental protection, agriculture, etc. These reforms will directly benefit Serbian citizens.

Venue: Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, 1 Studentski trg

Time and date: Friday 6 June 2014, 12:00h, journalists’ gathering starting from 11:30h
ACREDITATIONS MANDATORY, Friday 10:00h at the latest, at


The total amount of grants for the first IPA 2013 component is EUR197,2 million, out of which EUR145,6 million will be under management of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, EUR33,1 million under management of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, and approximately EUR18 million aimed at developing Civil Society Organisations’ activities, financing housing solutions for refugees, supporting science, research and education.

Support is directed to following sectors: public administration reform, justice, internal affairs, development of the private sector, environment protection and climate change, energy, social development, agriculture and rural development, as well as projects within areas of education, health, science, culture, entrepreneurship, innovations, and preparation of the infrastructural projects.

This agreement marks the adoption of a part of the National Programme, which will be implemented independently by relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia through the system of decentralised management. IPA 2013 National Programme represents a milestone and a special kind of challenge, given that, after the years of preparations and testing, the European Union has transferred management competences to  Serbian administration, which will be applied for the first time in the implementation of this programme.

The event will also present the additional EU financial assistance to Serbia, allocated in response to major floods. Apart from emergency assistance on the ground, the European Union has allocated an additional EUR30 million from IPA funds, aimed at flood-relief efforts.

IPA funds and Financial Agreement contact person::

Milica Marković Tomić, European integration office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia +381 11 3061 151, 064/82 36 247,
Nadežda Dramićanin, The EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia,


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