Michael Davenport: Politicians in Region Should Move Constructively to Reconciliation


I welcome Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic’s willingness to visit Srebrenica, he has shown political courage to go there and make part of commemoration, said Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport to N1 TV, FoNet reports.

He said that all politicians in the region, and not only from Serbia, should show willingness to make constructive steps toward reconciliation.

Davenport did not want to comment on Swiss court’s ruling that Naser Oric should be deported to Bosnia and Herzegovina, saying that the decision was made by independent institutions and should be respected as such.

Speaking about Resolution on Srebrenica suggested by the UK to UN Security Council, Davenport said only Security Council could decide on this issue, while the EU had no part in it.

I wish to stress that it is important that each resolution contributes to reconciliation in the region, Head of the EU Delegation said.

Davenport said he regretted that results could not be achieved within Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, given that much energy and time were invested in preparing that particular round of dialogue.

According to him, it was early to say when the process would continue, but what mattered is that agreement on Community of Serb municipalities made it into Kosovo legislation, thus making the Community more important.

Davenport pointed out that he did not have an impression of Kosovo trying to obstruct Brussels negotiations, but thought all sides were engaged in finding a mutually acceptable solution.

Speaking about the opening of negotiating chapters with Serbia, Davenport said that European Commission made a recommendation in November about opening of chapter on finance policy, but this failed to happen because consensus could not be reached among Member States.

Davenport said that issue of migrants caused great concerns and was dealt with by entire Europe.

We are not dissatisfied with actions taken by Serbian Government, we are aware of the problems and want to know what we can do together. EU is ready to help, all it takes is a coordinated action, Davenport said.

Head of the EU Delegation denied accusations made by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic about Russia being offered to build “Eastern Ring” that would bypass Serbia and explained that Serbia had taken part in discussion on this project that would not get the support from European Commission.

As he pointed out, it was about cooperation in common interest in order to achieve a higher level of energy security.

We want Serbia to be part of Energy Union and it certainly will be part of it once it becomes a Member State, Davenport said.


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