Mogherini and Hahn: Adoption of the Coordination Mechanism is an important step for BiH


Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on today’s adoption of Coordination Mechanism by Bosnia and Herzegovina:

During the past months we have seen substantial progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s efforts to move closer to the European Union. In July, the agreement for the adaptation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) was initialled and a decision was taken to proceed with an IMF programme, which will provide crucial support for the implementation of the Reform Agenda.

The EU welcomes today’s adoption of the Coordination Mechanism, which aims at improving the country’s policy coordination and implementation, including as regards EU financial assistance, and to ensure a more efficient and effective interaction between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union. This is an important step which will be taken into account in our discussions with the Council when considering Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for EU membership. Its effective implementation at all levels will be crucial.

The EU encourages the leadership of Bosnia and Herzegovina to continue their intensified positive interaction, tackle constructively and through dialogue political issues and concentrate on reforms needed to the benefit of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From our side, we will continue our close and dynamic engagement with Bosnia and Herzegovina to advance the country’s EU perspective.


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