Mogherini and Hahn on the elections in Montenegro


Joint Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the elections in Montenegro:

The people of Montenegro voted in parliamentary and local elections yesterday, in a calm and orderly manner and under a reformed legal framework. The elections were observed by local and international observers, accredited by the State Electoral Commission.

The OSCE/ODIHR observers’ mission assessed in their preliminary statement that the Parliamentary elections were held in a competitive environment and characterized by a general respect for fundamental freedoms, and that the positive changes observed demonstrate a genuine will to improve the process. Any cases of procedural irregularities observed need to be duly followed up by competent authorities and other shortcomings reported by the observers need to be addressed.

Montenegro is well advanced in its EU accession process and the months ahead must be used to deepen and speed up political and economic reforms, particularly on the rule of law, where we want to see an ever stronger implementation record. We now look forward to the constitution of a new parliament, swift formation of a new government and to the continuation of Montenegro’s stable path towards Euro-Atlantic integration as well as to the benefits this process delivers to its citizens and to Europe as a whole.


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