More and better opportunities for Europe’s future generations


In its initial year, the Erasmus+ programme – in its new and expanded form – has already lived up to expectations. This is demonstrated by figures presented by Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

With a budget of over €2 billion in its first year, Erasmus+ has offered more than one million people the opportunity to take part in 18,000 funded projects. The programme has notably supported a record 650,000 mobility grants for students, trainees, teachers, volunteers and other young people. It had also paved the way for the first student loans for a full Master degree abroad.

More flexible opportunities for collaboration across sectors are also helping Europe’s education, training, youth and sport systems to try out innovative practices and contribute to reform and modernisation.

Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, said: “During the first year Erasmus+ has proved a true success. The impressive number of participants is proof that the programme is making a difference in improving young people’s employment prospects, helping them acquire new skills and experiences and supporting the modernisation of Europe’s education, training and youth systems. We will continue to build on this popularity to reach out to more people with different interests, profiles and social backgrounds.”


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