New EU local development programme – EUR10 million for infrastructure improvement


EU PRO development programme has launched four calls for proposals aimed at infrastructure improvement in 99 local self-governments in the regions of Sumadija and Western Serbia, and Southern and Eastern Serbia. The EU has allocated EUR10 million for the programme. Local self-governments now have a chance to draw up and implement projects aimed at improving public and business infrastructure as well as to develop planning and technical documents.

Through public calls aimed at infrastructure improvement, the European Union will support the construction and reconstruction of public buildings, educational, health and social protection institutions with over EUR5.2 million and hence contribute to improving people’s lives.

On the other hand, by applying for funding under the CfP aimed at business infrastructure improvement worth EUR3.7 million, local self-governments will have a chance to attract new investments and boost economic growth and job creation in the long run by upgrading industrial areas, technology parks or tourist destinations.

A year from now, a EUR300,000-worth call will be launched aimed at development of technical documents for business infrastructure improvement projects focused on laying ground for municipal development of areas where new investments would be implemented. Also, via a public call for technical documents development, earmarked with EUR750,000, support will be extended to projects aimed at drafting of detailed regulatory plans for areas with economic activity generating potential.

These are the first activities of the EU PRO programme through which the EU will earmark EUR25 million in the next three years to support local development. The programme will be implemented by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia. Above all, EU PRO will contribute to economic development of programme towns and municipalities through evolution of social and business infrastructure and by boosting competitiveness of SMEs. The programme envisages interventions aimed at improved spatial planning, while a portion of programme activities will also tackle social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

“Through EU PRO, the European Union confirms its support for Serbia and a more balanced development of regions, with a special emphasis on enhancing the competitiveness of local self-governments. We are aware of the need for higher investment in public and business infrastructure at the local level as it directly affects the quality of people’s lives and their standard of living. And that is exactly what we seek to do: improve the lives of Serbian citizens,” said Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Sem Fabrizi.

“By implementing these projects, local self-governments will offered an opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills that will prove useful for the implementation of future projects funded by donors, mainly the EU. Furthermore, strengthening of local self-governments is an important segment of the overall economic development of the country,” said Graeme Tyndall, EU PRO Programme Manager.

In the period from 8 to 18 May 2018, EU PRO will host a series of info days in order to inform local self-governments about calls for proposals. Further details regarding public calls and info days will be published in the following days.

More information about the calls and application documents is available at EU PRO_calls for proposals.

The European Union will support the activities of EU PRO, a programme aimed at promoting a more balanced socio-economic development of Serbia, with EUR25 million. The programme seeks to improve competitiveness of micro and small enterprises and business environment and to advance social cohesion in 99 local self-governments in two regions of Serbia: Sumadija and Western Serbia, and Southern and Easter Serbia. All activities on the ground are implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).


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