New European Lifelong Career Management Platform- Europass e-Portfolio, Online Tools and Information


From July 2020 Europass got a new look and range of services. New tools and information will allow users to take a new approach to career managing.

For over a decade, Europass has been one of the most visited sites of the European institutions, with over 50,000 visitors a day using the Europass CV editor and other tools to communicate their skills and qualifications.

As Europe is on the long path to recovery from COVID-19, the European Commission is launching a new, modernised Europass which offers a multilingual ‘e-Portfolio tool’, for people across Europe to manage their career. The launch of the new platform marks a new chapter in the modernisation of EU tools for employability.

As we exit the health crisis, one of Europe’s first priorities will be to fight unemployment and support necessary upskilling and reskilling. Beyond short-term support to help people stay in their jobs, many people will need to find a new job in the coming weeks and months. People will need information and the right tools to find employment and training opportunities and communicate their skills.

30 years ago to join the labour market, I was typing my CV in an old type-writer and then rushing to the Post to mail it to prospective employers. Today with the launch of Europass platform, job seekers can access offers online for free in all languages, says Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President, European Commission.

 “The new Europass will provide learners and workers with useful tools and information to adapt to digital and green transitions and manage their career in a fast changing world.”, European Commission states.

With new e-Platform tools, users can take a portfolio approach to creating their Europass resume. These new tools will allow them to record and share information on their skills, qualifications and experiences from every stage of their life.

On the very first day of launching, new Europass e-Platform had over 95.000 visits and 13,600 Europass profiles were created. Explore and create via link-

With new Europass tools, users can create a profile of all their learning and professional achievements in one secure online space. Users can identify their goals and interests and receive suggestions of interesting learning and job opportunities. New Europass e-Portfolio will also form a basis for all of users’ future applications, as they are able to share selected sections or their entire Europass profile through just a link.

The information in the profile can be used to create tailored Europass CVs and cover letters, in a number of different templates. After creating new documents with just a few clicks, job seekers will also be able to store them in their Europass library for future use. Also, they will receive compelling job and course suggestions based on listed skills and interests.

Even if they don’t want to share all the information in their profile right away, new Europass tools can help users better understand the skills they possess and help them keep track of their learning and career development. These tools also ensure that the next time someone applies for a job they don’t fail to mention a single item from their CV, because their new Europass will be the starting point for all of their future applications.

Also, users can create as many personalised Europass CVs as they wish using the information in their Europass e-Portfolio. No matter how they use the platform, job and training seekers will always be able to control their personal data and decide with whom they would like to share it.

Finally, users can import their previously created Europass CVs or Cover Letters and update them. .

As is the case with all of the new Europass tools, this one will also be free and available in 29 languages, including Serbian.

If you have a question about Europass or simply need support, look no further than your own National Europass Centre-

What Europass offers to its end users:

  • A free online profile to highlight skills, qualifications and experiences;
  • Self-assessment of skills to help define career and learning goals;
  • Tailored information on job and learning possibilities;
  • Full control of personal data;
  • Possibility to reuse data and autofill applications;
  • Trustworthy digitally-signed credentials.

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