Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC) project


Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC) project task is to support Serbia’s preparation for EU accession by improving policy and legislation processes. PLAC aims at improving the current system of legal harmonisation and approximation with EU legislation, supporting the development of national legislation aligned with the EU acquis, and ensuring proper implementation of the legislation, including the necessary by-laws and enforcement mechanisms.

Throughout the implementation of the project – transposition-related comparative analyses of the legislation with 83 EU legal acts EU legal acts was performed

– 98 areas laws, bylaws, strategic and other documents important for harmonization process and negotiations were drafted

– more than 2250 representatives of public, private and civil sector took part in 76 workshops, seminars and training.

plac-graph-engPLAC is designed to respond to the identified needs of the stakeholders. In order to ensure cross reference with EU negotiation process and institutional structure, priority target areas are correlated with relevant negotiations chapters, as follows: 3. Rights of establishment and freedom to provide services, 5. Public procurement, 7. Intellectual property law (in agriculture), 8. Competition policy (in particular State aid), 11. Agriculture and rural development, 12. Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, 15. Energy, 23. Judiciary and fundamental rights, 27. Environment protection and climate change, 28. Public health and 32. Financial control.

The PLAC project commenced in July 2013 and has the duration of 36 months, with the overall value of 3.42 million EUR. More details are available at www.euinfo.rs/plac


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