Programme budgeting major step in Serbian public finance management reform agenda


Pubic administration and public finance management reforms are among the key areas closely monitored by the EU in the accession process, whereas programme budgeting is a major step in the reform agenda, said Head of information, communication and press of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ramūnas Janušauskas.

“As you already know programme budgeting represents completely new way of planning and allocation of budget funds. It introduces clear links between government policies and programmes to be implemented,” Janušauskas told participants of the programme budgeting conference, organised by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.

The project of introducing programme budgeting is funded by the EU within the EU EXCHANGE 4 programme, led by the EU Delegation to Serbia and implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. Programme is aimed at incorporating European functioning models in local governments’ work.

“Programme budgeting leads to more transparent planning process and funds allocation that is fully accessible to the citizens and thus, the citizens participation will be much higher than it was before,” Janušauskas said.
According to him, the EU has for years supported local authorities in Serbia in their strategic planning and programme budgeting.

“As you know, EU has allocated funds under its EXCHANGE 4 programme to support your association, the Standing Conference, to assist you in this important and challenging task, preparing the budgets for 2015, in line with the new methodology on programme budgeting.

“In addition, further support is being negotiated under upcoming IPA 2014 annual programme, upon request of the Standing Conference and the line Ministry,” Janušauskas said.


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