Protection the rights of migrants and refugees is at the heart of our European agenda


Joint Statement on the International Migrant Day by First-Vice President Timmermans, HR/VP Mogherini, Commissioners Avramopoulos, Mimica, Stylianides, Hahn, Jourova on the occasion of International Migrant Day on 18 December:

On 18 December we dedicate our thoughts to all migrants around the world, to refugees and displaced people for whom migration can be a matter of life or death. When we speak of migration, we should never forget the human element: that today, more than 65.3 million people worldwide are displaced from their homes by conflict, persecution or poverty.

Unbearable living conditions, whether caused by conflict, economics, or politics, mean that millions worldwide leave their homes and livelihoods behind, in search of a better future and a life in dignity. And we also shouldn’t forget the positive contribution migrants can bring to development of their communities of origin and to our societies.

Protecting the rights of migrants and refugees and improving their situation inside and outside the EU is at the heart of our European agenda. The European Union is the number one donor of humanitarian aid, is strongly engaged through its presence in the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea, and the largest development donor and work tirelessly to create a better future for migrants around the world.

Our main goal is to save lives and ensure protection of those in need, in a humane and responsible way. With our partner countries across the world, we are addressing the root causes of migration, fighting smugglers and traffickers of human beings, ensuring adequate protection for those in need, enhancing legal pathways and improving inclusion and integration measures, while also offering reintegration support to returned migrants.

Please see the full statement and more information on the EU’s actions to support migrants here.


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