Refugee crisis: Commission reviews 2015 actions and sets 2016 priorities


Today, the College of Commissioners discussed the refugee crisis, looking at the measures taken in 2015 and the initiatives to be presented in spring 2016. Over the past year, an unprecedented rise in the number of people seeking international protection in Europe proved a major test for the Common European Asylum System and the Schengen area.

The European Commission swiftly took measures to respond to the crisis, and continues to work with Member States and third country partners to manage the flow of people, protect Europe’s borders, and address the root causes of these migratory pressures.

First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “We can only get out of this crisis together. 2016 must see clear and tangible results in regaining control of irregular flows and of our borders, starting with the next weeks and months. We need to make sure hotspots are fully operational and that people who arrive are properly registered and fingerprinted, also tackling secondary movements. We must get the relocation scheme off the ground and return those who have no right to stay. We should also cooperate better with third countries to address root causes and stem the flow, as well as improve return and readmission. In 2016 we need to return to Schengen’s normal functioning, and to do that we must ensure that Member States do not feel the need to introduce or prolong internal border controls. The Commission will do everything that is necessary for this to happen. In addition, we will come up with forward-looking thinking and bold steps to make sure our asylum system is future proof and to help manage migratory flows in a sustainable way.”

 2016 will be dedicated to delivering clear and tangible results and implementing the agreed measures, but also continuing to shape our future policies, including by adopting the Commission’s announced proposals as soon as possible. The EU must step up its efforts in the fields of relocation, resettlement, hotspots, returns, and the establishment of a European Border and Coast Guard.

In addition, the Commission will submit a proposal on the revision of the Dublin System by March, prepare a package of measures on legal migration and present a package on migrant smuggling by the end of 2016. To reduce the reliance on irregular routes, the Commission is also preparing a package of measures on legal migration. Finally, the Commission’s recommendation for a voluntary humanitarian admission scheme with Turkey should be complemented with actions on the ground as well as a more structured framework for resettlement; and in regards to the external dimension of the crisis, partnerships and cooperation with key countries of origin, transit and destination will continue to be a focus.


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