Safer Internet Day: 1 out of 4 internet users in the EU experienced security related problems in 2015


Ahead of the Safer Internet Day tomorrow, data published by Eurostat shows that 25% of internet users in the EU experienced security issues in 2015 such as viruses affecting devices, abuse of personal information or children accessing inappropriate websites.

Security concerns kept internet users from doing several online activities: almost 1 in 5 did not shop online or did not carry out banking activities. These figures confirm that trust is essential to create a Digital Single Market.

The EU has recently made important steps to reinforce confidence in the online world, with agreements on the first EU-wide cybersecurity rules and on a stronger EU data protection framework. Initiatives such as the Safer Internet Day (9 February) are also key to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people.

This year, people in more than 100 countries in the EU and across the world will celebrate the day around the theme of “Play your part for a better internet”. The event is organised by the pan-European network of Safer Internet Centres that are co-funded by the EU. The EU also supports the Better Internet for Kids platform through its Connecting Europe Facility scheme. This tool gives internet users access to a wealth of information, guidance and resources on how to make the best of the internet. The Eurostat press release is available here


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