Seminar for CSOs from Eastern and Southern Serbia – we plan strategically


Under the project “We plan strategically – and contribute to an accelerated development of local community”, funded by EU and co­funded by Office for cooperation with civil society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Centre for equitable regional development ­ CenTriR from Belgrade together with association “Gradjanska sansa” from Valjevo, association “Narodni parlament” from Leskovac and Standing conference of towns and municipalities, announce a competition aimed at representatives of local civil society organisations/associations, located on the territory of statistical regions of Southern and Eastern Serbia, for participation in regional seminar to be held from 31 October­2 November 2014 in the Hotel Aleksandar in Nis.

Thirty representatives of local civil society organisations/associations hailing from Eastern and Southern Serbia will be selected, with a view of strengthening their capacities for participation in the process of strategic planning at the local level.
During the seminar, participants will acquire knowledge and skills needed for active involvement in various stages of local strategic planning, in order to successfully represent citizens’ interests in processes of drafting and implementation of local strategies and plans, ones to be adopted by their town/municipality in future.

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