Serbia and EU sign the IPA 2013 financial agreement


Minister in charge with European integration Jadranka Joksimović and Director of the Directorate for Enlargement Jean Eric Paquet signed the 2013 Financial Agreement, which implies the transfer of EUR197,2 million to Serbia, as well as management of the EU pre-accession funds (IPA).

Paquet said that the IPA funds’ management competence transfer showed confidence in Serbian administration, adding that this was a great opportunity for institutions’ further capacity building. He said that signing of the agreement was an important moment in both technical and political terms, because it allowed Serbia to prepare for the EU accession.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said that by being in charge of IPA and Solidarity Fund money, aimed at supporting flood-relief efforts, Serbia commenced a new phase in its relations with the EU.

As far as the Solidarity Funds goes, Serbia is treated as an EU member, Davenport said after the agreement was signed.

He assessed that it was a good thing that the management competences were now in the hands of the Government, and that it might expect management support from the EU. This is the start of that new phase in our relations, Davenport said.

Speaking about the EU assistance to Serbia regarding the floods, Paquet said the European Commission agreed on a humanitarian aid package worth EUR3 million, and that Serbia would soon be able to use the unused 2012 IPA funds, worth EUR30 million.

Joksimović said the agreement implied the adoption of a part of the National Programme, due to be implemented by Serbian institutions with the EU support.

“National Programme is kind of a challenge, because the EU has transferred its management competences to Serbian institutions for the first time, but I believe Serbian administration is up to the challenge”, she said.

These grants will be used for the projects aimed to help Serbia implement the reforms within the key sectors, necessary for the future EU membership: rule of law, public administration reform, socio-economic development, environmental protection, agriculture, etc. The reforms will directly benefit Serbian citizens.

The total amount of grants for the first IPA 2013 component is EUR197,2 million, out of which EUR145,6 million will be under management of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, EUR33,1 million under management of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, whereas approximately EUR18 million will be aimed at developing Civil Society Organisations’ activities, financing solutions to housing issues of refugees, supporting science, research and education.

Support is directed to following sectors: public administration reform, justice, internal affairs, development of the private sector, environment protection and climate change, energy, social development, agriculture and rural development, as well as projects within areas of education, health, science, culture, entrepreneurship, innovations, and preparation of infrastructural projects.

Following the signing ceremony participants toured building of Belgrade University Rectorate that has been under reconstruction as a part of HETIP project.

More details on signed agreements see here and here
More about HETIP project read here


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