Serbia expects the EU to offer conclusions and guidelines on economic reform programmes


Ahead of tomorrow’s meeting of EU ministers dedicated to WB6 and Turkey’s economic reform programmes, the EU Info Centre arranged a press briefing with the Head of the European integration sector of the EU Delegation to Serbia Radica Nursdorfer.

As of 2015, all candidate and potential candidate countries submit their annual economic reform programmes. The programmes include medium-term macroeconomic projections (including the GDP growth, inflation, trade balances and capital flows), budget plans for next three years and a programme of structural reform. The structural reform programme includes the reform aimed at boosting competitiveness and improving growth and employment conditions.

The tomorrow’s meeting in Brussels will review the reports submitted by the countries in 2017 as the third annual economic reform programme for the period 2017-2019. The review of the programme was undertaken by the European Commission and the European Central Bank. On 23 May, on the basis of said review, all seven enlargement partners and the EU will adopt joint conclusions and individual guidelines, Nusdorfer told Belgrade economic journalists.


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