Serbian customs system modernised with EU support


The results of a successful EU-funded project “Modernisation of the Customs System of Serbia” were presented at a ceremonial closing of the project that took place on 12th of February 2015 in the Customs Administration.

At the closing ceremony, audience was addressed by Mr Milos Tomic, Director General of the Serbian Customs Administration, Mr Oskar Benedikt, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia and Mr Milovan Filimonovic, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance.

Benedikt stressed the importance of the process of modernization of Serbian customs and its alignment with EU standards.

“I wish to underline that the requirements to modernize Serbia’s customs systems are not merely a condition to join the EU, these reforms are aimed at improving the business environment and the revenue collection in Serbia. And this is vital for both the State as well as for your citizens, especially in today’s times of austerity. We are here to assist you in this process,” Benedikt said.

This project was funded by EU with 2.2 million euros from its pre-accession funds, as part of a wider EU assistance package to help the Government of Serbia modernise its public administration and strenghten administrative and operational capacities  of the  Custom Administration. During 27 months of the project life time, project experts shared their professional experiences and assisted the customs service to prepare for full implementation of New Computerized Transit System which will help Serbia in its preparation to join the European customs union.

Until now customs procedures were based on paper documentation that caused delays at border crossings and increased transportation costs. The new transit system has neutralised these occurrences. Electronic goods declarations are issued and a new system for Authorised Economic Operators ensures that declarations are forwarded electronically thereby also improving Risk Management at borders.

Due to efforts of Customs Administration of Serbia, at this moment all customs posts are using the new computerised transit system, 100 forwarding companies are electronically submitting NCTS transit declarations and more than 40.000 trucks passed througt Serbia using this system.

The new paperless system has improved the efficiency of customs transiting and reduced waiting times enabling Serbian businesses to become more competitive on the global market. It has reduced transportation costs and bank guarantees are significantly lower. The new system will enable Serbia to gain more profit from transit.

The EU has so far donated 8.9 million EUR for projects to help modernise the Customs Administration of Serbia. A new EU project worth 6.6 million EUR is in preparation in order to further increase efficiency of border management including assistance to construct the Border Cross point at Bajmok and the implementation of automated import and export systems


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