Statement by Federica Mogherini on the report by Jean-Paul Jacqué on the EULEX Kosovo* mandate implementation in case of recent allegations


Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the report by Jean-Paul Jacqué on the EULEX Kosovo* mandate implementation in case of recent allegations:

I have received the report by Professor Jean-Paul Jacqué on the review of the implementation of the mandate of EULEX Kosovo* with a particular focus on the handling of the recent allegations and I would very much like to thank him for his work.

In line with my promise to ensure maximum transparency, today I have sent the report to the European Parliament and the EU Member States. We are also making the report public.

The services are studying the report carefully and are looking at the best ways to address the recommendations contained in it.


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence


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