Statement by the EEAS Spokesperson following the working level meeting within the EU facilitated Dialogue


The Chief Negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina, Mr Marko Djurić and Mr Avni Arifi, together with their respective teams, met in Brussels on 26 and 27 February for discussions on the implementation of various agreements reached between the two sides within the EU facilitated Dialogue, most notably the agreement on Freedom of Movement, IBM, Justice, the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities, the Bridge in Mitrovica and Energy.

The discussions were conducted in a constructive spirit and resulted in a joint identification of several issues and steps that need to be tackled to move forward on the implementation work, thus further normalising their relations. They agreed to resume discussions on the implementation of the agreements on Freedom of Movement, IBM, Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities, the Mitrovica Bridge and Energy next month.


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