Statement by the Spokesperson on allegations of corruption involving EULEX Kosovo


“We are closely following the developments in Kosovo related to allegations against current and former members of the EU’s Rule of Law Mission, EULEX Kosovo,” the spokesperson of EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy said in a statement.

“Since 2013, EULEX and Kosovo judicial authorities have been pursuing a joint investigation into these allegations. Due diligence has therefore been applied thoroughly, in line with what is at the heart of EULEX’s efforts, namely the fight against corruption and impunity,” the statement said.

“Notwithstanding the ongoing investigation, the presumption of innocence constitutes a cornerstone of any rule of law system and a guarantee that must be applied to every citizen without discrimination.

“We reiterate the EEAS’s full support to the newly appointed Head of Mission EULEX and his dedicated team of professionals. We are confident that they will continue to successfully implement the mission’s mandate and assist Kosovo authorities in the consolidation of a sustainable and accountable Rule of Law sector in Kosovo, free from political interference,” the spokesperson said.


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