Successful exchange of public servants within the region thanks to EU support


Five public servants from Serbia took part in this year’s edition of the EU programme aimed at young professionals, launched with a view to deepening regional cooperation.

Among the participants were: Dusan Dulovic and Tijana Radnov (Ministry of European Integration), Sofija Milenkovic (Ministry of Public Administration and Local-Self Government), and Vladanka Rakovic and Jelena Draskovic (Ministry of Finance).

This year’s public servants exchange programme included 30 professionals who, among other things, dealt with EU accession negations, IPA planning and implementation, and examples of good regional cooperation.

Steffen Hudolin of the EU Delegation to Serbia described the regional exchange programme as successful in both 2017 and 2018, adding that the programme will continue.

State Secretary at the Ministry of European Integration Anja Rovic said that the EU’s programme for young professionals in the Western Balkans facilitated their professional development.

In May, Podgorica is going to host a conference where public servants will present a joint paper on topics they had explored during exchanges, announced Jelena Draskovic of the Ministry of Finance, who spent two weeks in Pristina.


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