The EU and Serbia establish closer ties in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism


The Deputy Secretary General Pedro Serrano from the European External Action Service (EEAS), and the Deputy Director General Olivier Onidi from the European Commission Directorate General for migration and home affairs (HOME), have been in Serbia today to establish high level contacts with the Serbian authorities, and to discuss broader security and defence issues, counter terrorism, countering violent extremism and regional cooperation.

The EEAS / HOME Delegation met with key interlocutors, including Minister of Interior Stefanovic and Minister of Defence Vulin and other relevant officials.

Terrorism and violent extremism are common challenges for the EU and the Western Balkans, and these can only be tackled through close collaboration. Serbia, as the other countries of the region, plays a key role to build capacities to ensure regional security, including effective fight against terrorism and violent extremism.

The meetings today have been very successful in assessing common challenges and capacities. They will also help the EU in defining ways to further engage and effectively cooperate with the regional partners.


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