The EU strengthens its support to media freedom and young journalists in the Western Balkans


The EU stepped up its support to media freedom and development in the Western Balkans, with a focus on media accountability, funding, capacity building, regional cooperation and young journalists. This was confirmed at the second EU-Western Balkans Media Days conference on 17-18 September in Skopje.

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations,said: Protecting and safeguarding fundamental rights such as media freedom are of crucial importance, also for further progress on the EU path. While our Western Balkans Strategy has triggered a new dynamic for the EU integration of the region, we haven’t seen much progress in the area of media freedom. To boost progress also in this area, this year’s Media Days put a strong emphasis on education and training of young journalists and on actions that strengthen media literacy, foster reconciliation and support the independence, protection and economic sustainability of a vibrant media scene”.

The full press release, the factsheet – EU support to media in the Western Balkans and the leaflet EU Enlargement package 2018 – Freedom of expression, information for society and media are available online. Commissioner Johannes Hahn’s opening speech and closing remarks, as well as his remarks at the press conference with Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, are also available


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